Our half of the 2-nd and 3-th century A. D. equipment



Our Roman club equipment which referring to the later period from the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Here are shown in 1 sample from all models from which we have. Our club can present 16 or 20 fully equipped legionnaires on this topic 2nd and 3rd centuries!


Plumbata. New addition to our third century equipment. A quality product from …


      We finished with our 3 th century Roman equipment. Now with our club we have equipment on a sufficient level for the period 2/3 century AD.
     Here we have used a very attractive helmet model for the period Von Gravert type Niederbieber Helmet.

     Another version of our 2-3 th century Roman equipment. Our Lorica segmentata Newstead model. With correct hinges for this model Armouries. Lorica segmentata Newstead model is suitable for use in the period 2 and 3rd century. Here we have used a very attractive helmet model for the period 2/3 nd century Weisenau helmet from Saalburg.

     Our final result after our improvement over the Newstead model made by Deepeeka Lorica segmentata Newstead model is suitable for use in the period 2 and 3rd century.

      Here in this version is different only helmet also updated for the period Xanten (Germany). Niedermörmter model is a late Weisenau type helmet 2/3 century A.D. Niedermörmter is a late Weisenau type helmet, now in the Landesmuseum Bonn.


After 12 years of gradual equipment on the topic 3-th century AD Roman equipment we have managed to make qualitative and quantitative progress on the subject. We can now present over 10 legionnaires with quality equipment from this historical period. We have focused on different helmets and armor from the period.


Newstead segmentata without hinges.


Newstead segmentata with hinges.


Lorica Squamata was widespread in the Roman army in 2-3 th century, and for this we present several wars with such armor.


Tunica Manicata